SSH hacked?

Anthony M. Rasat anthony.rasat at
Wed Jan 14 00:15:15 UTC 2009

Ioannis Vranos wrote:
>1. We pick a text:
>   "Ubuntu will always be free of charge".
>2. We use the first letter of each word to generate the password:
>Password: "Uwabfoc"
>We could use the first two letters of each word:
>Password: "Ubwialbefrofch".

My god, so much effort to protect ourselves from SSH Brute Force attack.

Why not using fail2ban (

I've been using it for more than a couple of years, it works flawlessly for my servers.



Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
PT. Jawa Pos National Network
Graha Pena Jawa Pos Group Building, 5th floor
Jln. Raya Kebayoran Lama 12, Jakarta Selatan 12210
Phone 02132185562
Phone 081574217035
Fax 02153651465

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