Ubuntu installation question

julio Rodriguez julio.rodrigueze at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 23:31:37 UTC 2009

Sorry now I understand. It's a 8.10 the latest version
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>

Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:25:49 
To: <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu installation question

On 01/12/2009 03:11 PM, Julio Rodriguez wrote:
> I have attempted to install Ubuntu on an IBM ThinkPad T21 with no sucess.
> The laptop is currently running Windows 2000 professional. I would like to
> replace it with Ubuntu. When I boot from the CD I get the following error
> message: /dev/null: Permission denied.
> Please help me complete this install. I used the same CD on my XP desktop
> and I can run Ubuntu with no problems.
> I hope to hear from someone soon.
> Julio

What CD specifically? liveCD? AlternateCD? 8.10, 8.04 etc.

I have an A21M & an T21 and both run Ubuntu just fine... well the T21
did until it recently crapped with the Thinkpad 'Blink-of-Death'
motherboard problem.

Here is what I recommend: burn the Alternate 8.04.1 CD and use that to
perform the install:


You _can_ use 8.10, but I found that 8.10 on the x21's seemed to act
like Windows; meaning that the machine seemed to get slower day-by-day.
I finally had to remove 8.10 from the machine and reverted back to
8.04.01. Note: I also dual-boot to Win2KP on the A21M (w/only 384Mbytes
of memory) and the two coexist just fine on that machine.

Give that a try & if you need added assistance w/x21 let me know and I
can walk you through the install from BIOS settings to final install.

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