PEAR::Auth_SASL is not working with eGroupWare 1.4.004 .

Cassius V. de Magalhaes cassius at
Sun Jan 11 16:38:14 UTC 2009


I'm trying to install eGroupWare but PEAR::Auth_SASL is not working.

How to solve, this please?

A verificar se PEAR::Auth_SASL está instalado: Falso
PEAR::Auth_SASL is needed by: EMailAdmin, felamimail.* Pode instalá-lo/a 
ao executar: pear install Auth_SASL

# uname -a
Linux xxxyyyzzz #2 SMP Sat Jul 19 20:24:32 EDT 2008 
i686 GNU/Linux

# dpkg --list egroupware*
|/ Erro?=(nenhum)/H=Ret/precisa-Reinst/X=ambos-problemas (Est,Err: 
||/ Nome                                          
Versão                                       Descrição
ii  egroupware                                    
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- metapackage
ii  egroupware-addressbook                        
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- addressbook management application
ii  egroupware-bookmarks                          
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- bookmark management application
ii  egroupware-calendar                           
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- calendar management application
ii  egroupware-core                               
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- core modules
ii  egroupware-developer-tools                    
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- developer tools
ii  egroupware-egw-pear                           
1.4.004-2-1                                   modified PEAR modules for 
ii  egroupware-emailadmin                         
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- e-mail user administration application
ii  egroupware-etemplate                          
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- widget-based template system
ii  egroupware-felamimail                         
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- e-mail application
ii  egroupware-filemanager                        
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- file manager application
ii  egroupware-infolog                            
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- infolog application
ii  egroupware-manual                             
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- manual
ii  egroupware-mydms                              
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- document management system
ii  egroupware-news-admin                         
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- news administration interface
ii  egroupware-phpbrain                           
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- phpbrain application
ii  egroupware-phpsysinfo                         
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- phpSysInfo application
ii  egroupware-polls                              
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- polling application
ii  egroupware-projectmanager                     
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- project management application
ii  egroupware-registration                       
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- registration application
ii  egroupware-resources                          
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- resource manager application
ii  egroupware-sambaadmin                         
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- Samba administration application
ii  egroupware-sitemgr                            
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- site manager application
ii  egroupware-timesheet                          
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- timesheet application
ii  egroupware-tracker                            
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- tracker application
ii  egroupware-wiki                               
1.4.004-2.dfsg-1                              web-based groupware suite 
- wiki application

# pear list auth_sasl
Installed Files For auth_sasl
Type Install Path
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL/Anonymous.php
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL/Common.php
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL/CramMD5.php
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL/DigestMD5.php
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL/Login.php
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL/Plain.php
php  /usr/share/php/Auth/SASL.php

Cassius Vinicius.
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