Getting dvd to play

H.S. hs.samix at
Sun Jan 11 04:21:14 UTC 2009

Linda wrote:
> I finally got around to installing a dvd player. I followed the 
> instructions for Resticted Formats Playing DVD someone posted for me 
> last week, but I get an error message from Totem Movie Player that it 
> can not read from resource.
> If I try to play a commercial dvd  from VLC  I get  a title page showing 
> the movies title with a choice to play movie and some other things but 
> in about 1 second it disappears and I have the choice to push play pause 
> etc across the top and a blank white box. If I push play it repeats 
> title then blank screen
> At this point I can play a home movie dvd with Totem or VLC although it 
> does give me a green stripe across the bottom of the frame.

I have seen this exact problem in a computer running Hardy. I hope
somebody can shed some light on this problem.

> Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to get the commercial dvds to 
> play?

Could you try one more thing? When you insert a movie DVD in to the
drive, you should get an icon on your desktop with a label beneath it.

I think you should also get a folder with the same name in /media
folder. Let us say it is called /media/MyMovie. If that is so, then
please this command (install xine if needed) and see what happens:
$> xine dvd://media/MyMovie

If all goes well, xine should play your dvd and it would mean your
libdvdcss2 is working.

> In your opinion which program is the best choice for playing DVD there 
> are quite a few of them?

My preference in Ubuntu is Totem since it is the default player. More
precisely, I expect and hope that it works for DVDs. However, other
players that I have luck with are xine (or gxine), vlc, kaffeine(it is
for KDE though), mplayer. But I won't be surprised if there are others
as well.


>                             Thanks
>                              Linda


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