Gmail name change?

Steven R. Ringwald asric at
Fri Jan 9 07:39:05 UTC 2009

On 1/8/2009 3:23 PM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>      I am using Gmail and have it in IMAP service to this computer and my
> laptops Thunderbird. It works fine and I am known as my Gmail user
> klarsen1 at which is no problem for now.
>      But in the near future I would like to do something that causes me
> and the email reader to think it is from k5di at Is there
> anything I can do to Thunderbird or the Windows Internet Express to
> accomplish this? Can I do it at Gmail?
I am using GMail as my outgoing mail server and thunderbird as my email 
client. I have told GMail to allow me to use asric at as a valid 
outgoing address.

In GMail, you go to Settings > Accounts > Send Mail As and add a new 
alias. GMail will send an email to the address specified verifying that 
"you" own it, and after that, GMail's servers will accept that as a From 
address. (The Email address specified in accounts).

I hope that this helps.

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