Audio-Visual Presentations

Ray Parrish crp at
Sat Jan 10 18:37:34 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 01/09/2009 10:46 PM, Ray Parrish wrote:
>> Josh Holland wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 10:28 +0000, R C Mitchell wrote:
>>>> Does anybody have any experience in setting up a digital slide show with 
>>>> musical accompaniment under Ubuntu?  What would be the best tools to use?  I 
>>>> would like to build presentations to show to the local camera club, who have 
>>>> plenty of advice on Windows tools but look blankly when I mention Linux!
>>>> I'm currently using Hardy for day-to-day use but I have Intrepid on tap if 
>>>> it's needed (I'm waiting for KDE4 to be fit for purpose!)
>>>> Rosie
>>> OO.o Impress is intended as a drop-in replacement for MS PowerPoint.
>>> It's not bad, but don't try saving as a .ppt - it doesn't really work
>>> (at least not for me).
>> I tried to create a slide show presentation with music in OO, but found 
>> out that it would play music as long as the first slide was on the 
>> screen, and when you go to the next slide the music stops. Maybe I 
>> wasn't doing it right, and someone else knows how to get it to work. I 
>> don't use OO much as I have no use for documents of the type it creates, 
>> other than once in a great while making a slide show, so I can't help 
>> with the question, sorry.
>> If it is possible I would be interested in seeing how.
>> Later, Ray Parrish
> It is:
Spot on! I used the top search box on page from your second link, and 
the first search result contained the answer! Here is a direct link to 
the tip required to add background music to a slide show presentation in OO.


Thanks for the help, even though I'm not the OP for this question it was 
something I was also wondering how to do.

Later, Ray Parrish

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