Screen Saver
Ray Parrish
crp at
Sat Jan 10 11:43:46 UTC 2009
Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 21:52 -0800, Ray Parrish wrote:
>> Someone else
>> suggested that it was actually power management doing the blanking, and
>> told me how to shut that off, and I already have tried that with no joy.
> It's very likely DPMS [1] interfering with Gnome Screensaver. You can
> try to set other DPMS timings (or turn DPMS off) using the xset command,
> and write them into xorg.conf if this indeed turns out to be the
> problem. Here [2] are good in-depth instructions for testing and solving
> it.
> Here [3] is a straightforward article about the issue in Feisty, with
> instructions.
> The forums have several articles about it, too, but they are down at the
> moment. Here's Google's cache for one of them [4]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
Well, that was interesting reading. Thank you for your answer, but
Rashkae had already pointed me at man xset, and I have now learned how
to disable the blanking which was driving me crazy.
The problem was actually that X has a default setting of 10 minutes for
blanking the screen, which gnome-screensaver usually overwrites on boot
up. Somehow, while attempting to disable screen saving with
gconf-editor, I managed to disable this overwriting, and X took over and
began blanking the screen after ten minutes.
I have now used the command "xset s off" to disable the timeout value,
and the screen no longer blanks after ten minutes. I haven't re-booted
yet, but if it blanks again after a re-boot, I will write a short bash
script to disable it, and add that to the Session Manager so it gets ran
at log on. Problem solved!
Later, Ray Parrish
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