Screen Saver

Ray Parrish crp at
Sat Jan 10 09:42:41 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Etiquette bullies crap. I for one didn't offer any help because I didn't know of any.  You are a rather short sighted person and selfcentered if you don't realize that you were rude as other have.  Not everyone on this list is an expert or guru and they have just as much right as you do just because they are here and use the list. It's great that Rashkee found the solution for you maybe you wont be too rude until your next post.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
> --- On Sat, 1/10/09, Ray Parrish <crp at> wrote:
>> From: Ray Parrish <crp at>
>> Subject: Re: Screen Saver
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
>> Date: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 12:06 AM
>> H.S. wrote:
>>> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>>>> Ahh Ray Parrish, you are the one that better calm
>> down.  I've followed you
>>>> thread from start to finish but it's so long
>> that I and I expect most everyone else can't remember
>> all the things suggested and tried.  Your attitude is not
>> one that inspires the list to help you.  And your response
>> to the one offering a suggestion below is uncalled for even
>> if you've tried it. You need to either grow up or turn
>> the heat on sooner when cold weather comes so it doesn't
>> freeze your brain.  There was no call for your response to
>> the person trying to help you out.  Frankly, I don' t
>> give a damn if you ever solve your screen saver issue as
>> it's not a critical problem anyway.
>>> He says he has a couple of decades of experience. In
>> all probability he
>>> is the type of typical "guru" bully one
>> would find on unix related news
>>> groups. You know, the type who always belittles the
>> novice user and have
>>> hardly anything else to say to a noobie except
>> "RTFM". You are right, it
>>> is their kind's attitude. Whoever in this world is
>> not perceived as
>>> smarter than them is a lower mortal to them and they
>> think it is their
>>> godly duty to point out the weaknesses in those
>> 'pathetic noobies or
>>> kiddies'.
>>> He had a choice: either to politely remark that he had
>> already tried
>>> that or to be crass. He chose the latter, which,
>> incidentally takes
>>> longer to communicate! Go figure.
>> Yes, a couple of decades of experience using DOS, and
>> various versions 
>> of Windows... I've been using Ubuntu Linux now for
>> about six months, and 
>> I like it, and have started using it almost exclusively,
>> since Windows 
>> makes me wait so damn much when I switch programs that it
>> makes it hard 
>> to get anything done. So far, Linux hasn't been doing
>> that much.
>> Frankly, I was thinking you two were the "guru
>> bullies" as you have 
>> contributed nothing to this thread other than off topic
>> criticisms of my 
>> supposedly "rude" treatment of someone, who
>> wasn't interested enough in 
>> the problem to even check out what had already been done
>> yet. You should 
>> hang out in the Microsoft newsgroups for a while and get a
>> taste of what 
>> "rude" really is. They are totally unmoderated,
>> and some of the people 
>> on there are real trolls.
>> I'm trying to solve a problem here that affects all
>> users of Ubuntu, and 
>> will affect the way others just coming to Linux see it as
>> an operating 
>> system.
>> I wasn't "rude" in the first place... I just
>> suggested he read the whole 
>> thread first to see what had already been tried before
>> offering 
>> suggestions, if you guys can't take that you are far
>> too thin skinned. I 
>> didn't get mad until he wrote back, and tried to make
>> out that I had 
>> insulted him or something for giving him a pointer on group
>> participation, that I have often seen others give to
>> thoughtless people, 
>> for jumping into the middle of something without checking
>> it out first.
>> You two are etiquette bullies, and have done nothing to
>> help with the 
>> topic of this thread.
>> Later, Ray Parrish
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I don't think I have stated that I think anyone else has no rights here. 
I welcome all posters, and do not expect them to be guru's, much to the 
contrary, I realize that many people may be noobs, [as I am to Linux], 
and await the day that I understand Ubuntu well enough to help them.

I've been using newsgroups since the days of accessing them by dialing 
into the local computer bbs system with my 14.4 k modem, because public 
access to the internet didn't exist yet, and it has always been accepted 
practice to gently remind people to think before they post, which I feel 
is all I originally did to start this flame war.

And I do often see people on this group reminding others of the "rules 
of the group", and giving other advice about how to post in an effective 
manner. So, why are you picking on me? Anyway, next time I'll try to 
phrase my advice in an even gentler way so I can avoid another flame war 
with you.

And watch out Leonard, you're top posting again, and someone might jump 
on you about that, as it's frowned on in this group. [for some reason, 
it's the first group I have ever belonged to that does it this way, but 
I don't mind, and have adapted to it.]

Later, Ray Parrish

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