Screen Saver
Ray Parrish
crp at
Sat Jan 10 04:18:28 UTC 2009
steve wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>>> It didn't, the damn thing still works, even 'though I removed
>>>> gnome-screensaver with Synaptic. So... just how the hell do you get rid
>>>> of the screen saver in Ubuntu?
>>>> The thing that really irks me is that I never turned it on in the first
>>>> place, all I did was review the available screen savers, and now it will
>>>> NOT shut off.
>>>> Later, Ray
>>> im going to assume you tried this already, but here it is anyway....
>>> system> preferences> uncheck "activate screensaver when idle"
>>> i hate screensavers too, and its always worked for me. good luck.
>> If you want to help, at least read the thread first...
> well im going to suggest you walk away from the computer for a while,
> its obvious by your tone you have had more than enough for one day.
> were all here to help, it was only a suggestion.
Actually, I'm pretty calm, it just burns me when people like you jump in
and make really stupid suggestions before reading the whole thread first
to see what has already been tried.
I've been using computers for over 20 years, and I'm smart enough to try
telling the program not to start first, yet you assumed I was just some
idiot that didn't know how to run a computer, and gave your idiotic
suggestion that I uncheck the box that starts the screensaver. duuuhhhh.....
Later, Ray Parrish
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