Screen Saver

Ray Parrish crp at
Fri Jan 9 04:42:16 UTC 2009


I've got a good question for you all this time. Earlier today I decided 
to have a look at the available screen savers in Ubuntu. There were some 
nice ones, but I don't normally use a screen saver, so I set it to 
disabled, and set the delay on it to 120 minutes.

Ever since I looked at them now, the damn thing keeps activating after 
ten or so minutes of being idle. I used the Screen Saver dialog on the 
Preferences menu to look at them the first time. Since then I have also 
gone into the Configuration Editor on the Applications, System menu, and 
made sure they were disabled there as well.

Still the damn thing keeps popping up every ten minutes. So... I found 
the .xml file in the /home/ray/.gconf/apps/gnome-screensaver folder, and 
made sure the settings in it were set to false for enabling the screen 
saver, and even set the timeout delay to zero to see if that would 
prevent it from activating.

Nothing I have done has prevented the screen saver from coming on after 
approximately ten minutes of idle time.

How in the hell do I disable the screen saver??? I like to keep an eye 
on the screen to see when new mail comes in, and I don't like using a 
screen saver at all. Please help me get this thing to shut off.

Thanks, Ray Parrish

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