[ubuntu-users] Warning -- Bug -- More Info

Ted Hilts thilts at mcsnet.ca
Thu Jan 8 23:26:54 UTC 2009

Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:
> I first noticed this problem affecting the math packages called Maxima, 
> xmaxima, and wxmaxim when doing an upgrade on 7.10 and then an upgrate 
> of 8.4.  The upgrades cause the lines in /etc/hosts:
> ### localhost
> ### Ubuntu.peggyted
> to be commented out as shown above.
> The line " localhost" is critical for the operation of xmaxima 
> as well as wxmaxima and without this line they don't work giving the 
> error that they cannot connect and/or cannot obtain a socket.  I don't 
> know how other packages would be affected. I manually set up my static 
> addresses thus  "touching" the file /etc/hosts which may cause an 
> automatic upgrade process a problem.
> Also: I now get the following error as a result of the upgrade:
> ted at Ubuntu:~$ sudo smbclient -L Ubuntu -U ted -W peggyted
> Password:
> Server requested plaintext password but 'client use plaintext auth' is 
> disabled
> session setup failed: SUCCESS - 14336
> ted at Ubuntu:~$
> Whereas the following works for the other machines:
> ted at Ubuntu:~$ sudo smbclient -L Ubuntu -U ted -W peggyted
> params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: 
> allow hosts
> Password:
> Server requested plaintext password but 'client use plaintext auth' is 
> disabled
> session setup failed: SUCCESS - 14336
> ted at Ubuntu:~$ sudo smbclient -L cic2ext -U ted -W peggyte
> Password:
> Domain=[CIC2EXT] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
>         Sharename       Type      Comment
>         ---------       ----      -------
>         Documents and Settings Disk
>         C_cic2ext       Disk
>         G on cic2ext    Disk
>         hpphoto         Printer   hp photosmart 7350 series
>         IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
>         SharedDocs      Disk
>         print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
>         hd2news         Disk
>         F_cic2ext       Disk
>         Offline         Disk
>         D-CDRW-cic2     Disk
> Domain=[CIC2EXT] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
>         Server               Comment
>         ---------            -------
>         Workgroup            Master
>         ---------            -------
> ted at Ubuntu:~$
NOTE: The following fix to the /etc/samba/smb.conf file is as follows -- 
I only show part of the file with the fix:

#======================= Global Settings 
#-----networkstation user login = Yes
netbios name = Ubuntu

# ----- Added below line Mon26May2008 ------
###allow hosts
client plaintext auth = Yes


Thanks -- Ted
PS -- someone could pass this information to the Ubuntu development 

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