Media Player error

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Jan 8 02:40:18 UTC 2009

Chris Jones wrote:
> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> "Karl F. Larsen" <klarsen1 at>  said:
>>> So I removed Totem from Hardy and Invincible...
>> Do you mean, "...from Hardy and Intrepid...?"
>> If you use the numbering system you might have an easier time.
>> (Hardy is 8.04, Intrepid is 8.10) 
>> Besides, Ray is looking to /fix/ Totem, not change it out.
> (For once) I agree with Karl. Totem is a total waste of space. I might 
> be wrong but my guess is the OP is only using totem because that is (for 
> some reason ...) the default video player, and thus what fires when you 
> just double click on an video file.
> My suggestion is to just alter the default media player to something, 
> anything, else (VLC is a good candidate, but mplayer also works in most 
> cases I think. kaffeine is also pretty good if you favour KDE) and 
> forget totem.
> cheers Chris
I've got a good thread going on Launchpad, and from the log files it 
appears to be a problem with pulseaudio that came about after updates to 
several modules on the 6th of this month, as that is when the problems 
came about.

I'm suspecting some video chip updates for AMD video chips, as although 
I have an AMD 3400+ cpu in this box, all of the mother board chips are 
nvidia, from the onboard video to the network, etc...

Later, Ray Parrish

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