memory question

Chris Jones jonesc at
Wed Jan 7 11:56:02 UTC 2009

> I double checked it. I didn't see where  I can change video memory.
> And 8MB has been allocated. Does my BIOS has a problem?

As has already been said, that 8M has nothing to do with video ram (it 
has been a looong time since video only had 8M...).

It may well be that your bios doesn't offer any options regarding the 
shared video ram for your integrated graphics. In any case I presume 
your want your screen to work, so there isn't much you could do to 
regain that ram...

I very much doubt that all your 'missing' ram (~750M) has been allocated 
to video though, probably at 128/256 MB, 512 at most. So the question is 
if you can get the rest back. It may well be because 32bit windows 
cannot use more than 3.2 GB, your bios may simply be assumes no one 
would ever care about this ram and is simply ignoring it with no option 
to use it.

Have you tried google ? searching for "Dell 640m 4G ram" for instance 
comes up with a few links to discussions on this very issue.


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