Unbootable Laptop after GRUB removal

Vernocchi, Pablo pablov at mvps.org
Wed Jan 7 08:03:08 UTC 2009

Take a look at


If you can get a Vista DVD, you're done.


Pablo Vernocchi 
Microsoft Exchange MVP | MCSE +M +S
http://www.eseutil.net <http://www.eseutil.net/> 


From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Abhischek
Sent: lunes, 05 de enero de 2009 11:00 a.m.
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Unbootable Laptop after GRUB removal


I have an unbootable laptop because I removed GRUB by formating my Ubuntu
64-Bit partition. I know that you need to restore the Vista MBR to get a
bootable machine again but I do not have a recovery cd so I researched on
the Internet and found a way using the UBUNTU- Live CD. I followed the
instructions on this webpage http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=622828
the exact commands were: 

sudo apt-get install syslinux
sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda


sudo apt-get install mbr
sudo install-mbr -i n -p D -t 0 /dev/sda

Both commands did not work that's why I tried both, it said that they
completed successfully but I could not boot Vista again. Now the Grub error
was gone but the machine said MBR 123FA with a blinking cursor. At that time
I did not know what that was and I got totally desperate because I thought I
deleted my Vista partition. So I googled again and found a forum where
someone had quite the same problem and she solved it using "SUPERGRUBDISK"
http://www.supergrubdisk.org/. I downloaded the iso, burned it and started
the cd, then I went to the windows section on the cd and selected the Option
Restore Windows MBR, then there was a Menu where it said remove GRUB and
restore Windows MBR it prompted me to select the OS which was installed
before Linux and the only thing I could select was called "SYSLINUX"  I have
know idea what that is and in my despair I selected it hoping that it would
restore Vista MBR. But now the laptop is even "more unbootable" because when
I start the laptop it says: ""BOOTMGR is missing, Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to
restart". " Again I researched on the Internet where I found many advices
saying the only way is getting an recovery cd. So I called my friend who has
a recovery cd for his laptop but which is only 32- Bit. I started the cd and
went to "REPAIR COMPUTER" option. The first thing I noticed that there was
no entry for previous Vista Installations to repair but as the "internet"
said I opened Recovery Console or "Repair Command & Prompt" as it is called
now and used all three commands which were: "bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec
/fixboot, bootrec /rebuildbcd". The first two completed successfully, but
the third failed with the output something like this: "No Windows Version,
and some numbers I can't quite remember". But it changed nothing my Laptop
is still unbootable with the message "BOOTMGR is missing..."
Please help me I am grateful for all the help I can get!
Thanks in advance


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