Ubuntu and Black Berry

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Tue Jan 6 19:57:31 UTC 2009

John Hubbard wrote:
> I am looking at getting a Black Berry Curve and was curious what luck 
> people have had with them and [Ku|U]buntu.  Specifically:
> 1) Has anyone tried to use one as a modem with [Ku|U]buntu gutsy (7.10) 
> or intrepid (8.10)?  Was the black berry connected with  bluetooth or USB? 
> 2) Has anyone tried syncing it with gutsy(7.10) or hardy (8.04)?  What 
> software were you using to manager contacts/calender on [Ku|U]buntu?
> 3) Any other notes or things that I should watch out for? 

I just saw this:


on slashdot today.  I'm getting ready to get a Curve myself and based on
what I've read and seen, Barry will work just fine with it and will do
all that you need to do.  (or at least most, anyway).

Frustra laborant quotquot se calculationibus fatigant pro inventione
quadraturae circuli

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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