apt-get purge

Alex Katebi alex.katebi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 00:34:34 UTC 2009

The command that removed lots of packages and broke my system was:

apt-get remove libreadline5-dev

What happened to me does not make any sense.
Is there any way to tell apt-get to sync packages to the Untuntu 8.10?

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca>wrote:

> Alex Katebi wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > What is the difference between apt-get purge, clean, and remove?
> > Why when I try to remove a single package, apt removes a boat load of
> > other packages but not the one I asked for.
> > What am I doing wrong. I had done "apt-get install libreadline5-dev" then
> > I did "apt-get purge libreadline5-dev". It removed many other packages
> for
> > 30 minutes but not the libreadline5. Any ideas?
> Er.... it wouldn't do that without first telling you what you were going to
> remove and giving you a chance to say NO.  (and btw, purging libreadline5-
> dev _wouldn't_ remove libreadline5, they're different - and you wouldn't
> normally need the -dev package).
> Purge and remove are essentially the same, except that remove leaves config
> files behind.  You'll never even notice what clean does - it just cleans
> out
> the archive of already installed packages.
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