change from edubuntu to ubuntu 8.04

Lorenzo Luengo lluengo at
Sun Jan 4 19:38:37 UTC 2009

norman escribió:
> My granddaughter has Edubuntu and Windows XP set up on a single hard
> drive and has asked me if I could change the Edubuntu to Ubuntu 8.04 and
> still retain the Windows XP. I have looked for some instruction but I am
> still rather confused as to the best procedure. What would be the
> simplest and quickest method to use, please.
> Norman
I think the easiest way is to install ubuntu using manual partitioning 
and mark the edubuntu partition for formatting (just make sure you have 
your data backed up). This will make a clean install. And also remember 
to choose the correct partitions for swap.

Lorenzo Luengo Contreras
Administrador de Sistemas DGEO
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción - Chile

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