Are thes files usually scripts in Ubuntu?

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Jan 1 04:50:40 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Wed, 12/31/08, Ray Parrish <crp at> wrote:
>> From: Ray Parrish <crp at>
>> Subject: Are thes files usually scripts in Ubuntu?
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
>> Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 10:14 PM
>> Hello,
>> I was reading article from some of the magazines I get in
>> email today 
>> and ran across one about Root Kit Hunter for Linus, so I
>> decided to 
>> install and run it just to see what it said. It found no
>> root kits, but 
>> did give me a warning on the following five files.
>> [13:17:33] /bin/which                                      
>>  [ Warning ]
>> [13:17:33] Warning: The command '/bin/which' has
>> been replaced by a 
>> script: /bin/which: POSIX shell script text executable
>> [13:17:35] /usr/bin/groups                                 
>>  [ Warning ]
>> [13:17:35] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/groups'
>> has been replaced by a 
>> script: /usr/bin/groups: POSIX shell script text executable
>> [13:17:36] /usr/bin/ldd                                    
>>  [ Warning ]
>> [13:17:36] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/ldd' has
>> been replaced by a 
>> script: /usr/bin/ldd: Bourne-Again shell script text
>> executable
>> [13:17:40] /usr/bin/lwp-request                            
>>  [ Warning ]
>> [13:17:41] Warning: The command
>> '/usr/bin/lwp-request' has been replaced 
>> by a script: /usr/bin/lwp-request: perl script text
>> executable
>> [13:17:43] /usr/sbin/adduser                               
>>  [ Warning ]
>> [13:17:43] Warning: The command '/usr/sbin/adduser'
>> has been replaced by 
>> a script: /usr/sbin/adduser: perl script text executable
>> Since this Root Kit Hunter isn't specifically designed
>> for Ubuntu but 
>> claimed to be cross platform for all Linux machines I would
>> like to know 
>> if it's normal for the preceding files to be scripts in
>> Ubuntu Hardy 
>> Heron instead of binary files.
>> Thanks, Ray Parrish
>  Ray, the warnings are just informational messages telling you the files were replaced by the scripts.  It's of no consequence and nothing to be concerned about.
> You go have a very inquisitive mind, sigh.  Don't you believe what the program is telling you?  Maybe you could learn more about it by googling for "rootkithunter+ubuntu+linux".
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
Yeah, I like to learn new things every day, especially about computers. 
Windows made it hard to do that, so I'm really enjoying being able to 
get at the guts of Ubuntu to see how it works. I absolutely love bash, 
it's much more powerful than batch ever was. 8-)

Sorry I didn't Google this question first, I've been reading emails, and 
articles on the web they lead me to all day, and I just got lazy and 
asked this time.

Have a Happy New Year!

Later, Ray Parrish

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