h.l.ter.elst at
Sat Feb 28 19:35:06 UTC 2009
Hello Joep
On Saturday 28 February 2009 15:25:52 Joep L. Blom wrote:
> Henk wrote:
> > On Friday 27 February 2009 01:41:43 Joep L. Blom wrote:
> >> Henk wrote:
> >>> Hallo
> >>> Ondanks het zoeken op het net en het lezen van de handleiding kom ik
> >>> niet verder met het printen via het lokale netwerkje naar de Canon
> >>> PIXMA
> >
> > MP620 printer.
> >
> >>> Wie heeft deze configuratie in gebruik en kan mij daar bij helpen ?
> >>> De printer is ingesteld met IP adres
> >>> Onder MS XP loopt het goed.
> >>>
> >>> Graag wat hulp om dit op te lossen.
> >>> Gr
> >>> Henk
> >
> > I'm trying to get a Canon PIXMA MP620 printer working using a network.
> > Is there someone who can help me to get things working ?
> > What did I do:
> >
> > "> system - management - printer >
> > "printer configuration localhost
> > "> selecting "new" > looking for printers
> > "new printer
> > " ** first problem: a list of connectiontypes.
> > " I select IPP
> > " Questions: Host: ?
> > " Waitlist = /printers/ ?
> > " host: > >
> > " > press "Find Queue"
> > " Not possible
> > " It is not possible to get a list of queues from
> > "obtaining a list of queues is a CUPS extension to IPP. Network printers
> > do not support it.
> >
> > The same happens with selecting LPD/LPR
> >
> > What is equipment URI ? A question after selecting "others".
> >
> >> Henk,
> >> Deze lijst is Engels niet Nederlands. Vragen in onze taal is voor 99%
> >> van de lezers onbegrijpelijk.
> >
> > OH,........... I"M SORRY
> >
> >> Ik ben niet bekend met de Canon printers maar probeer in cups deze
> >> printer te installeren en zoek de driver op onder 'Canon'. Vaak is er
> >> een generieke driver die de printer aanspreekt.
> >
> > I found the driver and can install it.
> >
> >> Waar komt het IP adres vandaan? via DHCP? Een fixed adres is vaak
> >> lastiger in een netwerk.
> >
> > I"M not working with DHCP. So, all my equipment is installed with fixed
> > IP adresses.
> >
> >> Bovendien als het een netwerk printer is moet
> >> hij niet ook aan een parallele poort worden gehangen (geeft conflicten).
> >> Mijn advies:
> >> Stel je vraag in het Engels en met wat meer technische details.
> >> Joep
> Henk,
Let's try
> WHich version of ubuntu do you use?
I'm, using 8.10
> If you are using Hardy tou should have the following order:
> system -> Administration -> Printing
> Then you get a password window and thereafter the window with heading
> "Printer Configuration Local Host" appears.
I don't get the password window. But the "printer configuration - localhost
window appears.
> You then have to click on the button "New Printer"
> It then will search for your printer which of course must be switched on
> and connected and available on the network.
> I have a Brother network printer and telnet to port 9100 gives no
> problem. In CUPS, the port 631 is the port where CUPS is listening for
> printing requests, it queues the requests and sends them to the printer.
> Port 9100 is where the printer is listening.
> Try to telnet to the printer as root:
> sudo telnet <IPaddress>.
I did :
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
So. The first failure, I think.
> You should find in the manual (I beleive it's on a CD) how to access the
> printer via the network.
Under MS XP it works very well. Printer is on the network and pinging:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.61 ms
Works good.
Is there a possibility that the firewall blocks all transfers ?
> Let me know if I can give more help. (You can also contact me directly
> to my Email address).
I like to do that(in dutch).
> Success.
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