Video Memory
Lucio M Nicolosi
lmnicolosi at
Sat Feb 28 15:26:57 UTC 2009
Ray Parrish wrote:
> Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
>> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have an Nvidia GeForce 6100 video card onboard my motherboard that
>>> uses shared memory. In the bios of my machine it is allocated 128 MBs of
>>> RAM from my meager 512 MB system RAM.
>>> For some reason, every program I have used to inspect the video
>>> parameters report that my video card is using 256 MBs of RAM. This
>>> includes "nvidia-settings -a" which reports " Attribute 'VideoRam'
>>> (ray-desktop:0.0): 262144." which when divided by 1024 yields exactly
>>> 256 MBs. Also the sysinfo gui program at Applications, System Tools,
>>> Sysinfo reports 256 MB.
>>> free reports 384436 bytes total RAM, which when divided by 1024 gives
>>> 375.42578125 MBs.
>>> Are there any other commands which can return the amount of video memory
>>> in use? I've spent quite a bit of time looking through the man files
>>> searching for one, and haven't found anything yet.
>>> Is it possible for Ubuntu to over ride the bios setting and allocate
>>> more RAM to the video card?
>>> I'm not experiencing any problems, but I am curious why everything keeps
>>> telling me the video card is using 256 MBs of RAM.
>>> Thanks, Later, Ray Parrish
> Hello,
> The video card is already set to use only 128 MB in the BIOS. That's why
> I was asking if it was possible for the operating system to over ride
> the BIOS, and give the video card more RAM.
> I would also like to know if anyone knows a command that I can use to
> double check the amount of RAM in use by the video card. All I can find
> to check it with is the nvidia-settings command that comes with the
> board's driver, and the Sysinfo program, neither of which I trust much.
> OK. I've figured it out.
> I used cat and ls to explore the /proc/ file system until I found the
> following information.
> ray at ray-desktop:~$ cat /proc/iomem
> 00000000-0009efff : System RAM
> 0009f000-0009ffff : reserved
> 000a0000-000bffff : Video RAM area
> I then fired up my calculator, and converted those hex numbers to
> decimal, and subtracted the small one from the big one, then divided the
> result by 1024 to convert to MB's, and I get 127.999023438 which when
> rounded off is 128 MB's of RAM, just like the BIOS has it set to. I
> thought those two programs were wrong!
> Later, Ray Parrish
Sorry, read too quickly and misunderstood, thought you wanted some more
RAM available. Could your Nvidia have any resident memory, besides RAM?
Explored my own mem and I guess the numbers you get are bytes, so
dividing by 1024 you would end up with Kbytes, not Mb.
Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng. - São Paulo - Brazil
skype: lmnicolosi1
Lat.: 23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
Linux Regist. User #481505 -
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