Xgraph issue

Aart Koelewijn aart at mtack.xs4all.nl
Sat Feb 28 11:07:13 UTC 2009

On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 21:54:35 +1930, Jose Rodriguez wrote:

> Heeello everyone!
> I have the following issue: im using Xgraph 12.1, when i try to save an
> image i get the following error at the shell
> *sh: cannot create /usr/tmp/xgraph.obj: Directory nonexistent*
> It doesn't matter what type of output device or file i choose. Here is
> some info about the version of Xgraph im using
> http://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/X11/Graphics/xgraph-12.1/man.html
> Hope you can help me guys!!!

Well, Xgraph is right, there is no directory /usr/tmp. There may be a 
possibility to tell Xgraph is should save its temporary files to /tmp or
/var/tmp, those are the places it should use. If you can't learn Xgraph 
to behave as it should you could create a symbolic link from /usr/tmp to /
"sudo ln -s /tmp /usr/tmp", or was it "sudo ln -s /usr/tmp /tmp"? I 
always forget which is the right order.


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