[OT] NTP servers - was Re: Kernel clock issue "Clocksource tsc unstable"

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 28 05:47:27 UTC 2009

On 02/27/2009 08:48 PM, Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:

> All of these reasons may not be as critical for a home system or a
> single desktop, but setting up NTP to use the pool.ntp.org servers is
> easy and NTP requires few resources.
> My own Internet facing server joined the pool.ntp.org system.  If you
> have a server which is on the net 24x7 and has reasonable bandwidth (1
> mbs) I would urge you to join the pool.  For more info on either joining
> or using the pool see http://www.pool.ntp.org/ 

Indeed. The pool is the proper (IMO) way to use ntp for individual use &
works just fine. I've two systems w/side-by-side monitors and I can
adjust the time in either (one is always hardy, the other is test with
intrepid/whatever). I can watch the Ubuntu clocks on both and see the
change after the ntp updates/modify the clock on the test, even kill
ntpdate etc.

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