Why Basic installation of Ubuntu doesn't have codecs installed?

Asha Rose asha.rose.v at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 13:19:34 UTC 2009

Hello there,

I would like to discuss one issue.
Ubuntu is getting really good popularity which is really appreciable. One
issue I have seen can be explained with a real life experience.

I started to use linux from 2006. The first Linux which was introduced to me
was Ubuntu as it is very user-friendly. Now I have tried different Distros,
still I am using Ubuntu on my personal notebook.  I am from India and most
of the people I know here are not much familiar with ubuntu or any Linux

So I suggested some of my friends and relatives to use ubuntu and they
happily agreed and installed it. Most of them are much interested into
listening to music. Also they were not connected to internet. After the
installation of Ubuntu, they liked it very much. when they tried to play
some songs with the players coming with the installation they got irritated.
The codecs for any player has to be installed from the internet and they
switched back to the other OS which they were using.

Is there any way to include the codecs with the players so that it will come
with the basic ubuntu installations. Almost all other things they require
are coming with ubuntu basic installations.

If I am posting the wrong thins please excuse me. Thank you so much to all
the ubuntu developers as ubuntu gave me a very good introduction to Linux.

Asha Rose V
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