when to resize partitions

Ashley Benton chuaukantli at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 01:39:51 UTC 2009

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Stephen Constantinou <stephanos at writeme.com
> wrote:

> Dear All
> I have a PC with a 160 GB HDD.  It is partitioned as follows
>            SIZE      USED
> sda1 fat16    41MB    33MB
> sda2 ntfs  78279MB 56634MB
> sda4 fat32  3380MB  2366MB
> sda5  ext3  4186MB   604MB
> sda6  swop  4186MB     0MB
> sda7  ext3  8381MB  3316MB
> sda8  ext3 28697MB  1216MB
> sda9  ext3 28648MB  6842MB
> sda10 ext3  4194MB   100MB
> It boots XP and Mandriva.  My intention was to install Kubunto 8.10 to
> replace Mandriva.  I thought I knew what I was doing until I got the
> Prepare Diskspace section of the installer.
> After choosing to be guided over partition 8 I was offered a slide bar
> that seemed to change partition 8 from the initial setting of
> sda8, 13.4GB 50% AND kubuntu 8.10, 13.4GB, 50%
> I could move the bar left to increase the kubuntu partition/section but
> only reduce sda8 to 4.1GB 15% and kubuntu to 85%.
> I chose this 15/85 ratio not fully understanding what I was doing but at
> least believing I was not altering the windows installation.
> As I progressed I got to a stage where it confirmed I was about to create
> partition 11 of SCSi1 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext3 and
> partition 12 of SCSi1 (0,0,0) (sda) as swop
> Now I am confused.
> Am I really creating more partitions and how do I simply use the
> existing partitions for kubuntu.  Perhaps this was not a problem but I
> cannot see how creating more partitions is what I want to do and why can
> I not use the whole of partition 8 for kubuntu?
> I abandoned it and am posting this question to be cautious.
> Any guidance and help appreciated.

I would use gparted to delete the partition (mandriva) and create an empty
partition, then install kubuntu on the new created partition


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