computer will not boot into Ubuntu after successful install

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Fri Feb 27 19:03:48 UTC 2009

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Dave <dave at> wrote:
> Hi -- after I install Ubuntu (8.10, alternate CD 64 bit) on a computer with
> 5 HDD's, and reboot at the end, the computer fails to boot (black screen,
> blinking cursor, no message). I think it is looking in the wrong place for
> the /boot partition. What is the correct way to install a boot partition
> that isn't on (hd0,0)?
> I have posted several times on the forums without finding a solution yet.
> I've been working on this for weeks!

Do you have any BIOS settings regarding the HD boot order?  Probably
not, but might be worth a look.

What is on hd0?  (what is on the other HDs, for that matter - it would
help if you could describe your setup a little more)


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