network security related question

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Feb 27 17:34:31 UTC 2009

Vitorio Okio wrote:
> I'm behind Linksys WRT54 router with DD-WRT v.24 on it with the
> router SPI firewall enabled.
> I also have Firestarter running on my Ubuntu 8.04.

> But today I've noticed a huge number of incoming connections reported
> blocked by Firestarter. All of them are of ICMP protocol, and my
> understanding is they are either pings, or simple port scans, or
> something of the kind.

> My question is how do they ever reach my Firestarter? How they go
> through my NAT router? I thought they are supposed to be blocked on
> that level.

Could it be that you have your router configured in a way that makes 
your Ubuntu machine the "default server"? Maybe it has a different name 
in your router software. If you have enabled this option you don't 
block anything with your NAT setup. Then everything received by the 
router will be sent to your Ubuntu machine unless you have an extra 
filter to block specific traffic.


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