Note on TRIMMING, was: Why do people detest top posting so much?

Lorenzo Taylor daxlinux at
Fri Feb 27 17:00:37 UTC 2009

I like the idea of using quote collapse for Thunderbird, as that is the mail 
client I use. However, I am currently using 3.0, and this add-on seems to be 
incompatible. Note that since I use screen reading software to speak the text on 
the screen, Thunderbird 3.0 is currently the only version that is fully 
compatible with the Orca screen reading package and its supporting libraries, 
and I greatly prefer Thunderbird over Evolution, but that's just a personal 
preference and shouldn't be taken as anything more.

  Great Goddess Isis,
Thou who art above the stars,
  Grant us peace and love.
--Lorenzo Taylor

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