Dreamweaver Equiv

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Feb 27 11:41:39 UTC 2009

On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 04:50:09 +0100
Florian Diesch <diesch at spamfence.net> wrote:

> Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr> wrote:
> > I wasn't saying Adobe should release Dreamweaver under GPL !
> > I was "only" hoping they would port it to Linux, but obviously remain a
> > closed-source and must-be-paid-for application !
> But that needs Linux users willing to pay for it.

Obviously yes ! Why do people always think Linux users want everything
for free ?!

Linux is an OS before anything else !
It happens to be free and free, which is great, but why would one
expect applications to be also free and free ?

Of course people would pay for DW on Linux, just like they would pay for
DW on Windows.. because it's the tool they want and there is no serious
competitors/equivalent, just like is the case for zillions of windows
commercial applications. So if they want it, they would have to pay for
it. Of course some people would just steal it from P2P networks... just
like they do the Windows version, no more no less. So if DW is viable
under Windows, I don't see why it couldn't be so on Linux, because
past years have proven that there is not a remote chance of having a DW
equivalent before many many years, if ever there is one.


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