Virtual screen size

Ray Parrish crp at
Fri Feb 27 08:45:26 UTC 2009

jeff parker wrote:
> I'm running ubuntu on a lenovo s10 netbook with a 1024 by 600 screen. 
> Many GUI dialogs are too long and I can't see or get to the bottom to
> click the OK button, etc.  How do I setup a 1024 by 768 or something
> bigger that I can scroll around in to see all?  I've tried to add other
> screens to xorg.conf but it didn't work.
> Thanks.
You have to set the resolution you want to use as "Default", and get the 
refresh rate for it set right as well.

Here are some docs to read -


Your laptop screen may not even support 1024 x 768 because of it's size.

Try "man xorg.conf" in terminal to read the man page on settings in the 
xorg.conf file.

Later, Ray Parrish

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