Note on TRIMMING, was: Why do people detest top posting so much?

Ray Parrish crp at
Fri Feb 27 06:19:40 UTC 2009

M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 10:56:00 AM -0500, Pete Clapham wrote:
>> May I humbly point out that if you're actually following the
>> conversation, you've read the previous messages.  Bottom posting
>> forces you to go through all that again until you find the answer
>> you're interested in.
There is a solution for that. If you use Thunderbird for email, get the 
add on called Quote Collapse. This add on collapses each quoted section 
of a text email into one liners with a + sign at the left end in case 
you want to expand that quoted section to read it.

Be sure to go into it's preferences, and set it to use all four borders 
for a nice boxed look to the collapsed quoted sections.

Another nice add on to go with it is Quote Colors which assigns a 
different color to each level of quoting, which makes it easier to tell 
which quoted section belongs with the other.

Quote collapse makes it real easy to get to the new material at the 
bottom of posts in Ubuntu User's group emails.

Later, Ray Parrish

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