mis-installation of package

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Thu Feb 26 23:02:17 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 16:57 -0500, Sean Sieger wrote:
> Errors regarding gtypist and gettext continue to show up upon regular
> system updates.  

Ok, understood.

> The command `sudo dpkg --configure -a' certainly
> doesn't show up in the text that you asked me to paste from xterm,
> right?  

It doesn't :)

> Running the command at least allowed me to continue with
> updates.  What do I do about getting gettext and gtypist installed
> properly?  Thank you very much.

It seems to be actually two different errors. The first one was that due
to the interruption of the update earlier, dpkg refused to do anything
unless every updated package was configured. This was fixed by running
"dpkg --configure -a".

Now another error came to light, which probably is also a result of the
earlier interruption. When removing gettext and gtypist, aptitude runs
dpkg, which first executes the pre-removal scripts, i.e., scripts that
need to be run prior to removal. These scripts fail because of the
"install-info: No dir file specified" error.

Could you please try to first reinstall gettext and gtypist by running
"sudo aptitude update" followed by "sudo aptitude reinstall gettext
gtypist". This should get the packages in working order. If the
reinstall works, try to remove the packages again. Post any errors you
might get.

Good luck

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