UUID and disk add

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 21:24:05 UTC 2009

Brian McKee wrote:
> 2009/2/26 H.S. <hs.samix at gmail.com>:
>> Brian McKee wrote:
>>> 2009/2/26 H.S. <hs.samix at gmail.com>:
>>>> Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y) wrote:
>>>> I think you did the right think by restarting udev. The reformatting of
>>>> the partition changed its UUID and a udev was required to make the
>>>> relevant changes in /dev/disk/by-uuid/<NEW UUID>
>>> Why didn't the reboot do this?  That's what I was wondering....  and I
>>> think the OP as well.
>>> Brian
>> I don't think OP mentioned that he rebooted after the changing the
>> partitions and making the ext3 filesystem. Did I miss that in the
>> original post?
> Come to think of it - he said he rebooted after installing it, not
> after reformatting it....
> That was in his second post.
> Brian

Ah, yes. Didn't see that post.

Something doesn't seem to be right here. I have experience with
restarting udev with newly created partitions and it has worked.
Rebooting should work just as well since udev is started.


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