Installing Stellarium 10.1 in Hardy

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Feb 26 18:27:08 UTC 2009

Brian McKee wrote:

> 2009/2/26 Jan Litwi?ski <jlitwinski at>:
>> Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> writes:
>>> Although I do have the Backports repo enabled, I cannot install the
>>> stellarium 10.1 .deb from Launchpad on Hardy, as I am missing many
>>> dependencies:
>> try this:
>> sudo apt-get -f install
> Why?  The guy that packaged that program thought it needed those
> dependencies - what do you know than he didn't?
> Recommending a forced install, especially without explaining what it's
> doing to somebody less knowledgeable than Dotan could cause them a lot
> of grief.  Please don't do that!

"apt-get -f install" is not a "forced" install.  "-f install" merely
says "try fix any dependencies".  In this case, I'd be pretty certain it
won't work - that is, it will provide him with the same list of dependency
problems, otherwise the original install would have worked.

"apt-get -f install" is _always_ a reasonable option when you get dependency

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