[OT] Why do people detest top posting so much?

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed Feb 25 14:56:37 UTC 2009

Lorenzo Taylor wrote:

> I can answer any question without quoting the same way I remember having
> to answer questions back when I was in school. I was told to answer
> questions in complete sentences, which usually involved rephrasing or
> paraphrasing part of
> the question but not requoting the entire question.  It doesn't help to
> requote the entire question if a simple rephrasing or paraphrasing a very
> small part of the question to form a complete answer is sufficient. This
> post can serve as an example, as can my previous post, which was clearly
> answering the OP's question without requoting it.

That's fine - but this is a mail list, which means that you now have 2000
people who all think you're talking to _them_ (you _are_ talking to me
aren't you?)

Really, I don't mind your style of response, but it, too, gets confusing as
soon as you're trying to respond to a particular user.  

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