skype working in Intrepid and Jaunty?

H.S. hs.samix at
Wed Feb 25 04:42:38 UTC 2009

Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> H.S. wrote:
>> How does ekiga work? Just create an account on Ekiga and that is it? And
>> does it "just work" even behind firewalls? This point is what makes
>> skype so wonderful. Also, how do you compare ekiga with skype?
>> Thanks.
> (the problem with Ekiga is that "everybody" uses Skype :-( )

That is encouraging, if that is the only problem!

If ekiga is as easy to setup and use as is skype, I can easily convert
my family members and friends to skype. But some of these people are
gran'ma type users. In terms of easy of use, skype has set the bar.


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