Why do people detest top posting so much?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Wed Feb 25 01:23:38 UTC 2009

Res wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> his own set of standards (and then insults them with all sorts of names)
>> and/or starts filtering or ignoring them?
> I've never filtered as was proven to you, in fact you even made a 
> retraction when i repsonded to you, if you've contacted me offlist since 
> and not had a response/got 55x'd and  once again decide im filtering, maybe
> once again your in an RBL or fail one of the many tests
> ( http://www.ausics.net/vscan.php ), we make no apologies for having a 
> very aggresive mail filtering system, its a neccessary evil in this day and
> age.

I remember this, I didn't know if you did this to other people or not 
after we had our own personal issue sorted out, that's all. I was 
emailed offlist by someone who said you had done this before. Just 
because in that case you weren't blocking me didn't mean you weren't 
blocking others. If you said as much then I apologize for not remembering.

> I have FAR beter things to do then edit MTA access lists becaase I disagree
> or think someone is an f'wit (and before you get a complex, no I dont think
> your one).... its just so much easier to ignore that person and hit "D" :)

Well, thanks for thinking of my mental well being. I do try to remain 
accurate in what I say online and will retract what I assert if shown 
otherwise, and I am stating that it was something told to me third 
person and knew you'd correct me if I was wrong, and apparently I was 
mistaken. But the point remains in reference to the situation, though it 
may not be something you do in this case...

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