skype working in Intrepid and Jaunty?

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at
Wed Feb 25 01:20:28 UTC 2009

H.S. wrote:
> Planning on installing a newer version of Ubuntu over Hardy in several
> weeks' time. Just wanted to ask here if people have Skype working on the
> newer versions, Intrepid/Jaunty?
Skype works for me (8.10 i386 with latest Pulse Audio).

Could not set up the video with 8.10 AMD64.


Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng. - São Paulo - Brazil
Lat.:  23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
email: lmnicolosi at - skype: lmnicolosi1
Linux Registered User #481505 -

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