grub error 18

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at
Tue Feb 24 04:21:42 UTC 2009

Asif Iqbal wrote:
> I am trying to reuse the same disk to reinstall 8.10. Except this time
> I am getting the error 18 error at grub. It is not a dual boot.
> It is the same laptop, so new hardware and no new bios. No other
> upgrade is done before the second install
> I am assuming I need to clear the grub and either reinstall the OS or
> just grub-install.
> Please advise.

Please check:


Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng. - São Paulo - Brazil
Lat.:  23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
email: lmnicolosi at - skype: lmnicolosi1
Linux Registered User #481505 -

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