Crayon Physics for Linux?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Mon Feb 23 20:27:01 UTC 2009

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:44 AM, sam tygier <samtygier at> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a similar application for Linux?
> Phun has already been pointed out.
> there is also numpty physics.
> its available for ubuntu in a PPA, see or at playdeb

Also this:

$ aptitude show python-pyode
Description: open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine
 PyODE is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an
 open-source physics engine. PyODE also includes an XODE parser.


 This package provides PyODE for supported versions of Python.

Although it's just a library for accessing ODE, it's pretty powerful.
I've not yet done anything more than tinker with the demos though.


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