Why do people detest top posting so much?

Odzangba K. Dake odzangba at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 17:32:13 UTC 2009

On Monday 23 February 2009 17:08:11 Thomas Wolf wrote:
> Then I come to this mailing list to ask a question about my Ubuntu 8.10
> X server dying (yes, I'm somewhat of a newbie with respect to Linux)
> and, instead of getting answers, I get slammed for top-posting and, for
> good measure, for posting in HTML.  Very nice (actually, there was one
> nice guy that emailed me privately to let me know that in this mailing
> list, some of the experts were very finicky and that I might not get an
> answer if I top-posted....but by the time I received the e-mail, the cat
> was already out of the bag).
> I don't need this.  I'll let younger people ask their questions on this
> mailing list and take their lumps.  I'll just google for potential
> answers.  If I don't find them, I'll just file a bug.
> So long and thanks for all the fish.
> tom

Uhmm, I sort of feel responsible for all this, if I'd just kept my big mouth 
shut.... Guys, can we drop this? I really should have taken a minute longer to 
think about it before I fired off that first email.
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