HELP: Dropping to a shell! after copy Wubi installation onto another PC

Yi Tan yi2004 at
Mon Feb 23 17:12:33 UTC 2009

Hi list,
I have a Wubi installation on my office PC(PC1), used for a few month, and
feel it's handy.

I copy that Wubi installation onto my home PC(PC2). I've also
copied wubildr, wubildr.mbr and modified windows's boot.ini

Then I turn on PC2. I can select boot ubuntu. And then see the ubuntu logo
with loading bar for a moment.

And it ends up in following failure:

Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:
ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/7Axxxxxxxxxx does not exist. Dropping to a shell!


I don't know much about linux. It seems like the copied-version ubuntu can't
get the hard disk to work.

Is there any easy way to make it works? Because I have got all software,
environment setup in that wubi installation. Really don't want a fresh
installation with time consuming software setup.

Many thanks,

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