visualization Ubuntu 8.10 and terminal installation.

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Mon Feb 23 16:48:20 UTC 2009

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Allen Meyers <texas.chef94 at> wrote:
> I have several questions and concerns and before I state them consider this
> over-riding statement of fact: my comprehension challenges and terminal
> entries after goggling has turned what appeared quite simple into a
> nightmare.

OK - I'm not understanding you very well, so bear with me.

> Before you ask I have made 2 command line install entries (cannot re-create)
> but would like to un-install.

I read this as you installed Ubuntu twice using a CD and got only a commandline.

What do you want to 'uninstall' ?  Ubuntu?  Just write over it.
If you want back to the operating system you had there before you
installed Ubuntu twice, that's not possible.

> 1st concern goggling led me to believe my ubuntu did not have to be a server
> edition true or false.

There isn't a reason to run the server edition for most people.

That being said, the vast majority of the software is identical
between the server and desktop versions.  Either will work as a
desktop or a server.

> 2nd concern goggling led me to believe terminal was the only install
> visualization way and iso and burn CD was not a possibility, True or false.

I can't make that sentence make sense to me.

If you are asking can you get virtualization working on a regular
Ubuntu desktop with a graphical interface, then the answer is yes.

If you are asking can you burn a CD from the server edition then the
answer is yes.

If you are asking can I install the regular Ubuntu in a virtual
machine then that answer is yes too.

If you have installed the server version and wish you had a graphical
interface like the regular desktop version, then just type 'sudo
aptitude install ubuntu-desktop' and it will install the extra stuff.

> Any detailed steps and resources greatly appreciated.

Allen, I think we need some more background here.

What are you trying to do exactly?  And what have you done so far?
Then we can give a better answer.


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