Why do people detest top posting so much?

James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 14:58:47 UTC 2009


On Monday 23 February 2009 23:53:42 m_epling wrote:
>  Odzangba K. Dake wrote:
> Ok, I just have to ask... what is so wrong with it. I admit that I prefer
> bottom posting because, well, it makes reading easier but quite a few
> people on this list (and on others) actively detest it and quite often snap
> at you if you bottom post. What's the deal here?
>  --
>  Odzangba
>  same here i dont understand the big deal

Nor do I really. If well done and thought out each can be easily read. It's 
just a matter of taste or in some cases culture like writting from left to 
right or right to left. Those who write right to left as their daily routine 
would likely question the practice of writting left to right considering it 
unnatural as an example.

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                              !ereh tfel ot thgir


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