
Raquel raquel at thericehouse.net
Mon Feb 23 14:46:39 UTC 2009

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 23:14:19 -0400
Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca> wrote:

> Of COURSE it's possible.  It's Linux, for heaven's sake.
> I haven't done it from Etch to Intrepid, but I did it much earlier
> and many others have done it since.
> Upgrading from Debian to Ubuntu is hardly _simple_, but it's
> possible.  It's basically an iterative process.
> 1) change your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the ubuntu sources
> 2) sudo aptitude update
> 3) sudo aptitude full-upgrade
> Then things get hazy... You will almost certainly have broken
> packages.  Fix the obvious errors, repeat step 3.  Keep repeating
> until nothing is broken.
> At some point - very probably the first attempt - you will be
> presented with options suggesting some things should be removed to
> make the upgrade work. Here you need to use your judgement.  If it
> looks like it's removing too much, say "no" and see if it gives you
> a better option.  Whatever it does, don't let it remove libc6.  
> 4) sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop

Thank you, Derek, for your answer.  It's pretty much what I thought.
I have 7 machines I'm maintaining here at home, 2 of them being
laptops. I'm wanting to keep the laptops on the same thing, just for
my own ease of up keep.

I think that it might be easier to do a fresh Intrepid install and
then to move her data over from a backup.  It might be easier that
way to move configuration files from /etc, also from a backup.

I watched my country turn into a coast-to-coast strip mall and I
cried out in a song: if we could do all that in thirty years, then
please tell me, you all -- why does good change take so long? Why
does the color of your skin or who you choose to love still lead to
such anger and pain?

  --Greg Brown, "The Poet Game"

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