Why do people detest top posting so much?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Feb 23 13:54:14 UTC 2009

Odzangba K. Dake wrote:
> Ok, I just have to ask... what is so wrong with it. I admit that I prefer 
> bottom posting because, well, it makes reading easier but quite a few people 
> on this list (and on others) actively detest it and quite often snap at you if 
> you bottom post. What's the deal here?

You can probably search in the archive for the words "top posting" or 
"top-posting" and find articles outlining why.

I'd get into it more but I just did...end of last week...with someone on 
the list under a different heading, and if you ask questions like that 
here you're going to get hit by people telling you to use the -chat or 
-banter or whatever the non-tech list is, or you'll be hit with the FAQ 
reference which tells you what you should do but I don't know if it 
really delves into why.

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