md5sum from nautilus

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at
Mon Feb 23 09:17:13 UTC 2009

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Carl Friis-Hansen
<ubuntuuser at> wrote:
> Actually, it is probably overkill if you do not use it on a daily bases.
> What I find *much* more useful is the plug-in you can get for Nautilus,
> which allows you to "Open in Terminal" when you right-click on an empty
> area in a Nautilus directory window. This eliminates the hassle of
> cd'ing to the right location.

I think the main reason why I need it is:
I'm copying some big iso files from a network storage appliance that
doesn't have any console. The files are not accompanied by md5sum
file. I access it using "windows share" protocol from Nautilus. Then I
copy the files to a samba shares. In Samba host, of course I can use
md5sum CLI. But how to compare it on the appliance's side? To make
sure that the files are not corrupted during copy.

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