mysql_safe using all CPU

Res res at
Sun Feb 22 22:30:58 UTC 2009

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009, Alain Muls wrote:

> Hi all,
> /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe is using up more than 90% of my processor.
> Can I safely kill this process?

If MySQL is running and you have real databases (DB with data you dont 
want risk corruption to) use:   mysqladmin processlist -p
to see who/what is the problem..
To kill mysql use: mysqladmin shutdown -p
Look for your mysql error logs, if it shows nothing edit my.cnf
under [mysqld]  put log=mysqld.log     then restart mysql

tail -f mysqld.log (usually this is in same directory as databases, 
/var/lib/mysql  but who knows where it is in ubuntu as i dont use their
versions i use source.)

If you are runnig a database, only in extreme emergencies do you ever use 
kill/killall on mysql or its processes, to kill a runaway mysql process 
use mysqladmin kill <PID_of_mysql_child>


-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers

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