8.10 Updates damaging applications

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Sun Feb 22 04:23:01 UTC 2009

On Sat, 21 Feb 2009, Mario Vukelic wrote:

> On Sun, 2009-02-22 at 00:55 +0900, Bret Busby wrote:
>> See below - taken from Synaptic -> history, for February 2009, on that
>> Ubuntu 8.10 system.
> I'll comment on that further down.
>> It might not be hundreds, but it sure felt like it,
> I can understand that, but please be aware that the more exact your
> information is, the better the help will be that you get. After all, you
> are asking for *free* help here (you can purchase a support contract
> with Canonical if that is more your cup of beer). Which means that I am
> currently donating my own free time to trying to help you. I don't think
> that it is really my responsibility to go and clarify your misleading
> information myself.

Is it misleading? Did you do a count of the updates that were listed? 
How many were there exactly, if not hundreds?

I note that, in your condemnation, you conspicuously omiited any 
comments such as

"You said "hundreds" - there were in fact only 199 updates",

or something similar.

>> In the update utility, I get only two types of updates listed;
>> "Important Security Updates", and, "Recommended updates.
>> I do not knowing have anything to do with "proposed updates".
> Hm, my lack of kubuntu knowledge is inconvenient here, it seems weird
> not to have -proposed. But indeed it seems that I was wrong, read on
> further down.

I am not using kubuntu - I am using Ubuntu, with the GNOME interface. I 
just happen to use KDE applications running on the system, such as 
(until recently) KFTPGrabber.

I note that my installation of KFTPGRabber (version kftpgrabber 
(0.8.0~beta2-1)  - from http://packages.debian.org/etch/kftpgrabber - 
the "About KFTPGRabber" dialogue box does not allow copying of text) on 
Debian 4.0, continues to work without any problems discovered by me.

>> With for what I use that particular computer, especially the Ubuntu 8.10
>> instalation, I would not turn it into the equivalent of Debian
>> experimental. That computer, and, what I have installed on the Ubuntu
>> 8.10 system, is simply to important to knowingly jeopardise with risky
>> software.
> In this case I, personally, would not run 8.10 at all, but would run
> 8.04 if possible. 8.04 is an LTS (Long-Term Support) release and is
> certainly much better tested and more stable.
> I would certainly not run a still very new and pretty experimental KDE
> version (4.1).

That is what my wife has now suggested - binning 8.10, and using 8.04, 
that she has ben using.

I had installed 8.10, as the latest Ubuntu "stable" version. Apparently, 
releasing a Ubuntu version, does not man that it is regarded as stable - 
it is apparently more a "testing" version, and unstable.

So, I have to transfer my home directory, and replace the 
unstable/testing Ubuntu 8.10, with the stab;e Ubuntu 8.04

> Useless hyperbole ("Debian experimental", "hundreds") will not entice
> people to pitch in, though. It was also the reason for my not
> exceptionally friendly first reply.
> Unless this has changed in recent years, experimental is not even a full
> repo that you can run as such. And there is certainly a lot more
> breakage in experimental than in Ubuntu 8.10.
> So far you have listed exactly one problem, KFTPGrabber hanging and
> crashing, and that you "don't know how much damage the updates have done
> to other applications". Which means that again you gave incomplete
> information while asking for free help, instead of doing your part. You
> know, the number of other new issues might just be zero.
> You did not even give any info about KFTPGrapper's behavior: when does
> it crash, is it reproducible, etc.

I had made that clear; what action is taked that consistently leads to 
the crash (basically trying to do FTP with the application, as stated 
in my previously, relatively explicitly, stated problem description).

> I find two bug reports about crashes of this app. Any of these?
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kftpgrabber/+bug/321716
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kftpgrabber/+bug/328002

No - see my problem description. The second one you cited above, states

"kftpgrabber is crashing, especially when there is a lot of actions to 

As my problem descriptions specified, just trying to upload or 
download files (I only tried with a single file at a time, that caused the 
crashes), caused the crashes, not multiple concurrent attempted actions.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
  you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
   Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
   "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
   A Trilogy In Four Parts",
   written by Douglas Adams,
   published by Pan Books, 1992


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