Migrate Ubuntu to a bigger disk on a laptop

Josh Holland jrh at joshh.co.uk
Sat Feb 21 21:45:24 UTC 2009

> 2. generate a list of all the pkgs and save it on a file on another machine
sudo aptitude-create-state-bundle bundle.tar.gz

> 3. boot from a liveCD and wipe the disk clean

> 7. take the pkg list file from remote machine and pipe it through
> aptitude to install all the new pkgs
sudo aptitude-run-state-bundle bundle.tar.gz

> How do I make sure the rc scripts are setup same way? There are few
> apps where I ran
> the `sudo update-rc.d -f <appname> remove'. So the rc scripts are not
> at default state
Probably easiest just to copy over the rc scripts

(NB I am not absolutely 100% sure about the aptitude commands. My
interpretation of the manpages is that they do what you want, but read
them yourself.)
Josh Holland <jrh at joshh.co.uk>

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