8.10 Updates damaging applications

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sat Feb 21 07:50:00 UTC 2009

(Excuse me for sending the previous incomplete post, my fingers slipped
while editing]

On Sat, 2009-02-21 at 13:45 +0900, Bret Busby wrote:
> In the last few days, hundreds of updates to version 8.10 have
> appeared, including many KDE applications updates.

Ah, I think you might mean these:

1. January is not "the last few days"
2. It's a lot, but not "hundreds"
3. Most importantly, as far as I can tell these updates were only done
in intrepid-proposed. "proposed" is specifically for testing updates
before they are applied to everyone. Enabling "proposed" is entirely
optional. The Software Sources configuration panel could be more
informative, but "pre-released updates" should make one think and check
the documentation. From menu System -> Help and Support -> search for
"proposed" (this is from Jaunty, but I don't think the text has changed
since intrepid):

Proposed updates:
Updates which are currently being tested before being released to 
everyone are provided through this update source. If you would like to 
help test new updates (and get fixes for problems more quickly), enable 
this source. Be aware that these updates may not yet be well tested; it 
is not recommended that you enable this source unless you are prepared 
to experience occasional problems.

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